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“But my son”
“We will take care of him”

“But he is alone”
“No worries. Ultimately he will join you”
** ** **
I was alone in my whole life. Parents, they were mere characters of my bruised dreams. Who never existed in reality. Unsolved mysteries; for whom I used to weep whole night.
Being with uncle was miserable. While escaping from there all what I needed was a job. To stand alone. To live.
** ** **
The room was tightly closed, but there existed a long queue in front of it. I was one among them, who, each time when the door opened looked inside with anxiety in eyes. As the queue moved forward, an air of angst centered over my head what I tried to neglect. Many came out rejected. Almost everyone.
“Mr. Steven Lewis”
I heard my name echoing in the air. While walking past the door I could clearly feel my soul thirsting for the job.
While going through the formalities I held my breath. They seemed interested.
“Are you sure, Mr. Steven Lewis?”
“Yes Sir”
“Ready to sign?”
I signed and sighed. This was my dream. A job which would satisfy me. Exobiological scientist. To research about all the possible ways of destruction they can do towards mankind.
** ** **
It was dusk and I was observing the documents which I have made. ‘Aliens’ was an interesting subject for me, always. I designed weapons which were able enough to destroy them.
I collected all the possible books about them and read. But they were a rare species. I always got very limited data. I wore a smile, setting my eyes on the photographs.
I noticed the reddish-blue tint of their iris, which was so familiar to me. Like the iris of my boss.
I held my breath and went on.
They exactly look like humans except these minor changes. They will always radiate heat by which we can identify them. Their body is stiff, like iron. There is no escape for human once they enter their world.’
I closed the book for a moment and tried to imagine the cabin of my boss. Whenever I stepped in I always sweltered and he didn’t. He never shook my hands, may be he was afraid. I was trapped.
** ** **
“You are a cheat” I was shouting, but he didn’t seem to care.
But I noticed, my hand was becoming stiff, pale. He curved his lips to a smile.
“You are smart, boy. All what we needed was to know the human brains to destroy us. And we got all possible designs” Said he, grabbing the designs which I made against them.
“You played with my life”
“No son. All what I wanted was to make you come to me. I missed you son”
I kept mum. It was the first time I saw my father.


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