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Showing posts from July, 2015

Pikes Peak

The trip to pikes peak was a very anticipated one for us. We knew the drive was going to be extremely scary, well at least for me. From the moment we made plans to visit Pikes Peak, I had been watching many images, videos..etc to know the severity of the drive. Each time i saw a videos, i got scared even more. But we still wanted to do it! Pikes Peak is one of the highest summit of rocky mountains range and sits on a height of  14,115 ft.  We had our breakfast and started driving towards pikes peak. More than excitement, i think I was curious to see the road which is so famous for its adventurous nature.The drive towards Pikes peak was absolutely stunning. I think anywhere you drive in CO, its all going to be so awesome.

Majestic Rocky Mountains

Well, this is one of the trips which I never want to forget.  CO is absolutely stunning and everybody, if possible, should go and see it for yourself. You would see how mesmerizing it is. You would find it breathtaking and you would wonder about how beautiful God's creations are! We rented a car and started our journey on July4th 2015. From the moment we got out of the airport we started seeing the majestic mountains. A view from the road.

Smocked pillow!

A pair of smocked pillow!