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Majestic Rocky Mountains

Well, this is one of the trips which I never want to forget.  CO is absolutely stunning and everybody, if possible, should go and see it for yourself. You would see how mesmerizing it is. You would find it breathtaking and you would wonder about how beautiful God's creations are!

We rented a car and started our journey on July4th 2015. From the moment we got out of the airport we started seeing the majestic mountains. A view from the road.

It was exciting to see the snow capped mountains even when the temperature outside is warm and sunny. It felt like the mountains were attracting us towards it with its wonderful charm. We were headed towards the very famous-scenic drive 'trail ridge road'. On the way when we reached just about the entrance we saw this view, and a board 'Estes Park'. The pic says it all, we couldn't resist. We pulled down at Estes Park.

Once we were inside the Park, we knew we took the right decision. It was absolutely stunning. You can walk by the lake and gaze upon the mountains on the other side. Park was very maintained, with lots of trees and benches.

We spent almost 30 mins walking around the lake and taking pictures. Shortly after we continued our journey to the trail ridge scenic road. As the name suggests its a scenic highway where you can drive around and make stops at view points. The first overlook point was a curve,with views of the mountain. It already was breathtaking, I couldn't wait to reach the summit.

The second overlook point was rainbow curve. The chances seeing a rainbow is high here. The weather here is unpredictable, so there is a chance that even if it is a very sunny day, the road beyond rainbow curve is closed because of snow storm at the summit! Luckily for us road was open. We explored the rainbow curve,and you can already start seeing the tundra here. Lots of small wild flowers all over.

Soon after we continued our driving. As you approach the summit you would notice the temperature becoming colder, and the air you breath becoming heavier. Soon we reached summit. It was majestic. You are on top of the snow topped  mountain, and so many such mountains surrounding you, it feels heavenly. The road was a lil scary for me though, narrow winding road leading up to very high elevation. 

There was a small hiking loop at the summit and we explored it. You would be walking on 14,439 ft high, so if you don't take it light, you would feel suffocation, headaches..etc We still completed the trail, it all worth it!


We wanted to spend more time there, but we had plans to visit lake-Sprague and bear lake at the valley. We spent almost more than an hour at the summit and started driving down. Lake Sprague was about 0.3 miles from the parking lot. You can walk around the lake, with beautiful reflections on it. When you walk around you get to see the views from every angle. It was lovely.
Shortly we continued to bear lake. Bear lake was similar, but personally I enjoyed bear lake better than lake Sprague. Beautiful lake with reflections of mountains. I got one of my favorite photo of us from here!

We ended our day 1 at CO by 7PM. We had dinner and returned to hotel dreaming about our trip to Pikes Peak the day after!


  1. Beautiful! Did you bring a tripod with you? How did you have such lovely pictures of the two of you?


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