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Showing posts from December, 2010

The Meeting

“Yes, I am on my way”, he said over the phone. Rohan was so happy. After a lot of writings and chatting he was about to meet Isha. Even though they never met, a bond of love kept them so close. Rohan smirked while driving. The dusky evening added color to his smile. He wondered what he would tell, on seeing her for the first time. The silhouettes in his dreams were going to acquire a face. ‘Isha would be in her way too’, the thoughts about Isha made him drive fast. ‘A few more minutes to meet her’!! He took a peep at his watch and it seemed the needles were not moving. He pressed the accelerator with great excitement.  SSSSSSSSSSSPPPPLLLLLAAASSHH…  He didn’t see the car in front of him slowing down. Before he could do anything the two cars got smashed. **************************************** *************** Rohan was sitting on a chair, enjoying the beauty of dusk. The cold wind caressed his wrinkled face, making him chilled. His grey colored hair seemed drench

The Saviour

The street was dusky and busy. I was walking, without paying attention on anything around me. My eyelids were so heavy and I doubted whether I would reach home safely. I was exhausted with the work loads and its pressure. Being a scientist was my dream, but sometimes the work made me crazy. I kept my foot forward to cross the road. I saw the shadow of a truck darting towards me. Even though I wanted to move beside, I was late and within seconds it approached me.. I screamed out for help. But the next moment, SSSPPLLLAAASSHH…. **************************************** ****** When I opened my eyes I was lying on my couch. I tried to recollect what actually had happened. I pinched my arms to make sure that I was still alive. “Hey, look here Bella”, I turned my face to the direction of the voice. There was no one at my house. But the voice…  “Why don’t you take care while crossing the road? “, the question echoed in the hall. I felt strange and had a glance at the room.

Life goes on

Akash stretched on his chair, grabbing the news paper. The winter was playing its role perfectly. The house and its courtyards were covered with snow. The beauty of the early morning and the chilled climate kindled him. Akash wrapped his shawl around his neck. News paper and hot coffee combination is a perfect thing in an early morning. But it was a hurting memory for Akash. He missed all the beautiful moments of his life after the death of his lovely wife, due to cardiac arrest. Akash heaved a sigh. Every single day of his life started with the same wet eyes. Akash lighted a cigarette and opened the news paper. The smokes rose from his face and made circles over his head. He enjoyed the warmth going inside his lungs.  “Good morning Dad”, Helen walked towards Akash giggling.  Helen was the centre of his life . He loved her a lot and treated her as an angel, an angel whom his wife left for him.  Most of the time Helen made him reminded of his beautiful wife. “Good morning


While running to his house Stuart laughed with joy. “Finally I did it”, Stuart felt pride of himself. Carefully he took the time machine from his pocket. It was the result of his experiments for years and years. As the needle in the machine move slowly he smirked like a maniac. He wanted go forward, wanted know what will happen in the future. And here is the machine that will take him to future. The grey hairs on his head proved him as an experienced scientist. Stuart moved to his courtyard, and put a chair there. He turned the needles of the time machine, faster and faster. He felt as if he was getting carried away by the strong wind, as if flying over the lands. Stuart felt suffocated; the oxygen content was lowering moment by moment. He got scared to go further, further to the unknown world. He ceased turning the needles. The wind lowered, but still carrying him in its powerful arms. The next moment he was thrown away to a bare land. *******************************