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“Yes, it’s on the forehead”, I couldn’t help myself from yelling when I saw the result on the monitor.

The city was under the attack of revoltsians, special creatures which resembled human but could emit laser beams from their body. A hand raised against a human resulted in the burned body of that human. They were harmless for the first instinct, but a silly thing could provoke them.
I was distracted by the ring on my phone. I fumbled on the table to attend the call.
“Ms Alinda, Any clues? “, I heard the anxious voice from the head of the investigation department.
“Yes, Sir. The studies say all the electromagnetic waves are centered over a point on their forehead. “, while saying this I was feeling so proud of myself. I always found it so adventurous to work in a central investigation organization. I liked the adventures it offered and the satisfaction I got from serving the country.
“Ok then, Move on. U need any help? “, My boss was always very supportive. But all I wanted was just courage; Enough courage to meet the revoltsians and trigger my weapon at their forehead.
“No sir. I will keep you updated”., Saying that I hung up the call.  
I was dashing to the site. The revoltsians seemed calm, but they were wandering through the streets. People stayed away from the street, and city was bounded by the cops.
‘I have to go there, passing the cops, to complete my mission’, I kept the weapon in my pocket.
I took care to avoid cops on my way and to act casual. But I heard a yell at my back.
“Lady, Stay away”. The inspector was looking straight at my eyes, with rage on his face.
“What I m doing is for the entire country. I will take care of myself”, said I, even though I just wanted to ignore him. I stepped forward again.
“I said you not to be out” the police inspector yelled at me.
“I cant”, this time I was a lil angry and wanted to rush to the site as soon as possible. And I showed him my credentials.
“Fine Ma’m, in that case I will give you company”, his words alleviated my tension and anger. It was perfectly fine for me too.
We rushed to the site, and I saw a gigantic revoltsian at the middle of the street.
‘ This is the time’ thinking that I took my weapon from my pocket and aimed at its forehead.
I felt as if I am getting burned. I couldn’t move my hands. I looked beside to see what exactly was happening.
The police inspector had his hands raised against me, and I was getting burned by the intense rays from his palm.


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