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Nuclear Weapon

Jake was a world renowned nuclear scientist.

He had everything he wanted in his life, the only thing he missed was the public life. The busy schedule of his work kept him busy while working. The protons and neutrons almost filled his life. But after retirement things were different. He was lonely.
It was dusk. Jake gazed out of the window. The golden color of the nature thrilled him. He was aged, and his eyes had lost its clarity. But he was determined; the new discoveries from his own laboratories remained unknown to the world.
He fumbled on the table for grabbing his record. It was filled with new equations and circuit diagrams of his new discoveries. He turned pages with his weak fingers. A well satisfied smile covered his face.
Jake pulled a pen from his pocket. He wrote down the title of his next experiment. ‘Smallest nuclear weapon’.
He heaved a sigh. He dreamed about the moments when he would present his record to the world.
Jake was busy making his new weapon.
Age didn’t seem disturbing him at all. His hands were sure of the package ratio of uranium and plutonium. His eyes were glittered as he did every step. Years of practice and experiments reduced his odds of failure.
He was successful, as always.
I was surprised to see the well packed gift lying on my table. I kept on wondering who would give me a gift. I never enjoyed anything like giving surprises, all what I could enjoy was the games with protons and neutrons. I loved loneliness.
My eyes were getting wide open as I opened the gift. It was a record owned by ‘Jake Simpson’. I noticed, its edges were burned.
Each pages of his records explained about new discoveries. I was impressed by Jake while turning the pages. It took my breath away when I saw the title of his last experiment.
I was in my new project to make the ‘Smallest nuclear weapon’ of the world, but all my predictions were gone wrong till now. I eagerly stared at the page. My hands were trembling.
I saw some formulas, but incomplete. I eagerly read the letters written and signed by him.
“I know I will be successful in this too, but I am volunteering myself for this, for I can’t bear the loneliness anymore”.


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