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Act of Love!

“Dr. Coyne, Look at her. She is dying”

“Let her, Dr. Wesley “
“But Dr..”
“Keep your mouth closed. I told you what to do. Didn’t I?”
“But this is not how a doctor should behave” Wesley grinded his teeth.
Coyne kept mum, though his eyes were red.
She struggled for her breath. She was Dr.Coyne’s wife. They had a break up and Coyne hated her for that.
Dr. Coyne walked out of the ICU, leaving the bang of door behind him. Wesley wanted to help her, but there was nothing that he could do alone, opposing Coyne.
 “He is such a devil, he killed his wife” Wesley was breaking down.
“Explain us what happened”   
“Take him from here, He is a murderer” Wesley answered the cops, with his heart out.
“He didn’t even bother to give her the treatment, he took revenge on her” Wesley went on.
“And the report says, she was injected by a high dose of medicine, he only did that”
Coyne didn’t face Dr. Wesley while he was being hand-cuffed. His eyes were filled. But he didn’t utter a word. He walked with the cops.
“Hon, Please forgive me”, she pleaded looking at Coyne.
“I knew that you loved me always dear. But it’s too late” Coyne sat beside her on her bed, caressing her hair.
“Tell me Coyne, is there any possibility that I will recover?”
He couldn’t answer that question. The possibility of bringing her back to life was less than 5%. His eyes filled.
“I am gonna die. Right?” tears rolled over her cheeks, drenching her pillow.
“Do u love me Coyne?”
“Very much dear” Coyne tripped over words while speaking to her.
“Then please…., please kill me Coyne. I don’t wanna live like this” She pleaded.
“What are u asking dear?, lets wait for the miracle”
“If you love me, please do this for me Coyne. Please. This is the only one thing that you can do it for me” She pleaded again, with tears.
Coyne knew that there was no way of saving her. It was painful. She was dying each second, bearing so much pain.
He took the syringe and injected a high doss of medicine to her nerves.
“I love you Coyne. Really I do” She told him while closing her eyes for the last time.
“I love you too” Coyne cried kissing her forehead.
** ** **
“Dr. Coyne, meet your advocate”, said the jail supernatant while bringing the young advocate to his cell.
“Hi Mr. Coyne, I am.. “
“Please.. leave me alone. I don’t need an advocate” Said Coyne.


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