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Silver Star

Drops of water scattered from the hard-whittled-dark rocks.

The sky-capped trees created a dark-thick ambience around the waterfall. The inexistence of human was due to the existence of the callous-wild beasts under the green canopy of the forest. But there lived the people of dark, who wanted to conquer the world, the Xeneos.
And beside that waterfalls lived the Ozeos, the race of human with virtues, the race of human who waited for the beam of light. The sounds of chimes and prayers filled the atmosphere which was flavored with the scent of sandal, ghee and innocence of monks.
With them was the vase, the vase which created happiness to their race and jealous to the Xeneos. The vase was a sign of happiness-the cause of keeping the evil away from them, both of which Xeneos lacked in their race.
The silver-star at the chest of Ozeos-which is visible only to the Ozeos differentiated them from Xeneos. There were normal people from the valley who found out their silver-star and joined Ozeos. Ozeos believed that it was God who found out their descendents to protect their race.
The chimes made vigorous sounds.  The calm city of Ozeos was crowded. The monks wore a dull mask of sadness over their faces. Something wrong has happened.
The princess came out of her monastery. The mask over her face failed to hide her elegant beauty. The monks bowed on seeing her.
“Princess… We await your orders” He still didn’t look at her face.
“It shouldn’t be in wrong hands, but we can assure that only good things will happen in the presence of the vase”
“We are all set to recover it, your majesty” Saying that they climbed upon their horses and darted like a storm.
The prayers of monks and their rituals lingered in the air. Princess was worried.
“Don’t be panicked. The vase won’t reside with the Xeneons, which is our belief” said the old monk with a fine exhale.
The Commander of the Xeneos crossed the waterfall. No one ever dared to cross the river. There was no entry to both the kingdoms but he did, with the vase in his hands. The entry of one from the other race was believed to be start of a fiasco.
“Well done boy”, the king congratulated him throwing gold coins at him.
“Hon, look what I have brought you”, the queen of Xeneos opened her eyes and gazed at the king.
“The vase”, her cheeks curved. Teeth shined. Eyes widened and she blushed.
“For our baby, so that only good things will happen to him”, said he while handing over the vase to her.
She giggled and held the vase close to her tummy while sending him out. It was her dream to get the vase from the Ozeos.
** ** **
“Hail the king, The baby girl is born”
“Great. Start the celebrations”
His eyes filled with happiness. He has got his descendent. He darted to the room to meet his baby.
“Hey, look at you” he grabbed her little hands and kissed. The vase was placed just near to the baby.
“Look hon, The good things are on its way. Now we have got a beautiful princess” Saying that the king laughed.
Yes, the good things had started to occur. No one could see the Silver-Star on the baby’s chest. God had chosen the descendent for Ozeos.


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