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Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

I felt as if the Atlantic Ocean had no ends.

The salt flavored air made small-white crystals of salt on my face. The swirling wind did more than caressing my hair, curling my hair and obstructing the vision. The deep-blue-thick blanket of the ocean horrified me, letting a pulse of shock through my nerves. The Goosebumps I had was not because of amazement but was because of scare.
Our remuneration for the project was as priceless as countless treasures beneath the ocean.
Our ship was moving towards west. The area from where people restricted themselves. The area which held innumerous mysteries, which attracted the metals to its chest, which stole many lives of the men who footed there. The mysterious Bermuda triangle.
But we had to go, to unfurl the mysteries lying under Atlantic.
** ** ** **
I looked at my compass, which was spinning wildly. We were approaching the restricted zone.
“Shayne, You are urgently needed at the engine room. Quick”
I suddenly remembered that I am the only one standing on the deck. I ran towards the engine room, holding my jacket over my arm.
“First of all I am apologizing in front of you” said the captain in a murmur.
We all gave him a strange look, circling around him.
“I had to hide some important information about our project, to keep you here. We are moving to the area where no one entered yet”   Captain gave a pause.
I was agape. I remembered him assuring me the safety throughout the project. He was lying.
“The magnetic fields are getting stronger. Everyone, be careful” Captain continued.
The first thing that came to my mind was to push him into water and escape. But his next sentence kept me away from my thought.
“And we have already entered in the triangle. The magnetic field is about 100Tesla” Captain sighed.
** ** **
Our ship quivered.
Captain was still apologizing, while we were hunting for our life.
The mysterious Bermuda triangle was gulping us, with his wide opened hands.
** ** **
The local news papers were celebrating the news.
Scientists had no idea about the incident. The next victim of Bermuda triangle was written in history.
** ** **
The endless ocean with strong-salty waves still accompanied our ship. I stared at the map; the position of our ship was still the same. We were moving towards the centre of Bermuda triangle.
I blinked my eyes. Something horrible had happened, but I was clueless.
 I gazed at the ocean. The waves seemed a thousand times higher than me. I cried aloud, and I knew that my voice was not even making a difference in the tone of waves.
It was strange. Our entire ship had the size of a small ant floating in Ocean and my height was not more than a centimeter.


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