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Cocroaches everywhere

Mrs. Katy ran after the cockroach. Her eyes were set on it; not even a single blink.
Sneaking, creeping and more or less like a cockroach she followed it.

At the corner of the corner she had a real quick take. The cockroach seemed pleading for mercy, and yes she offered it. She kept it on her open palm, caressed its long tentacles.
While padding across the room she kept here hands tightly closed, locking the cockroach inside her palm. Her footsteps ended in front of a large box, with hundreds of cockroaches inside. I know how you feel imagining this, but she loved them. She fed them and had kept mattresses inside the box. She allowed the new cockroach inside the box.
** ** ** ** *** *************
“Are you sure Mrs. Katy?”
“Yes, I am”
The laboratory was a part of her house and I was her assistant. Her imaginations were wild, but impressing. I always warned her against her decisions, but she had a great ability to make me convinced. Always.
“But it involves high risk”
“I like that”
I had nothing else to tell her seeing her great resolve. Her new project was to transform animals into different types of animals. Creating mutants. I was not nervous, but still I felt it as risky. What if a new animal showed unpredicted characteristics?. What if we fail to control newly created callous beast. Moreover I believed that we shouldn’t alter nature’s equilibrium.
She pushed the chemicals in test-tube and agitated. The color of the mixture inside the test-tube varied from dirty-white to brick-red. She was brilliant, clever. I kept gazing at her with respect.
“Now, this is for cockroaches. We can create a dozen of cockroaches from the rodents”
I smiled. This was the stepping stone. First cockroaches, then she would move to rabbits and finally to humans. That was her plan.
“Your job is just to find out the amount needed to transform a single rodent to a cockroach”
“Sure ma’m.”
“I gotta go, my lil child is waiting for me” she gave me a very impressing smile. I felt good, noticing her steadfastness for work and for family. She was one of the perfect scientists I have ever seen.
** **
“What?” I almost dropped my receiver while talking to Mrs. Katy.
“I am so sorry” I hung up the phone and collapsed into my couch.
Her lil daughter had stepped into the laboratory and had gulped the colorful-brick-red-chemical.


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