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Foul Play

“You take a step forward, your father will be dead”

Ajit looked at his father, who was tied to a chair and struggling to breath. They were a gang. Ajit was scared to death, the fear of loosing his father. He pleaded for mercy.
“And once you inform police, then just forget about your father” 
“What the hell do you…?”
“Keep your voice low.”  They pointed a gun at his father. Ajit had no other way but to obey them.
“Now listen, you shouldn’t play tomorrow’s match”
“What? You gotta kidding me”
“Then lets decide the lifespan of your father” Ajit felt a deep pain. It was the selection game of state cricket team. He so badly wanted to be in. it was his dream.
“This is ridiculous”
“Yeah, it is.” Their devilish laugh echoed in his ears. Ajit knew that all these were for Rohan; His arch rival in game. Only one of them will make it to the state team, and for that Rohan played the worst game. He had money which Ajit hadn’t.
** ** ** ** *************
Kevin switched on the TV. The world cup.
“Dad, who is that batsman?”
Rohan tilted his head towards the television. Ajit was in the field, smashing the bowlers. A drop of tear appeared in his eyes, but he brilliantly hid it from his son.
** ** ** ** ** **********
“Party time guys, cheers”
Rohan was in the lime light, enjoying the party. The multicolored lights of the auditorium gave him an elegant appearance. He was selected to the state cricket team.
Far away from his party in a small house, Ajit hugged his father and wept.  
“Don’t cry my son”
Ajit still couldn’t bind his tears within the boundaries of his eyes. He sobbed. His father heaved a sigh.
“Son, just being selected into the team doesn’t mean that he will play the game”
“Creating a minor accident won’t be that difficult. He would be drunk this time and it will be just perfect” His dad made a smile on his face. He just loved his son.
“Dad?” Ajit was taken aback.
“A bad game against a bad game”
*** *** ***
Rohan looked at his legs. Ever since the accident he couldn’t play even a single match.


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