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Showing posts from 2011

The Light House

The light house remained as a mystery. Deserted. No one dared to go there. Ever. You may hardly see the top of the light house, it was that far from land. But believe, there are people who have heard loud screams from there. At nights.


I struggled to open my eyes. My eyelids were too heavy. The pain was unbearable. I could still feel blood oozing out of my body. Bones were fractured, I couldn’t move a bit.

Easter Night

The night was colder than usual. I was feeling very uneasy to drive. Usually I enjoy every part of driving, but today it was bit different. An odd feeling. Intuition.

Dark night

The night was too dark and cold. Aimy and her mother were still outside. “Mom, I feel like someone is lurking behind the bushes”, Lil Aimy was really scared. She held her mom’s hands tight. “Don’t worry my girl, we don’t have to fear anything”, Mom consoled her child, caressing her hair. “Mom, look . Someone is there, behind the tree”    Aimy pointed her finger towards a tree at the corner. Pin drop silence. Aimy was nervous, her eyes reddish.   Her mom stared at that direction. “Oh Hon, its some silly human standing over there” saying that her mother hugged her daughter and they vanished.


He didn’t want to kill again. He was sad but it was inevitable. He closed his eyes, and set up his mind for the next murder. ****************** “ Why did u do this to me? “, he heard someone screaming. He had no answer. ‘No one thinks about me’ Said God with a sigh, dabbing his eyes.


My mom was crying. I wanted to console her but she didn’t seem to be looking at me. Her eyes were red and swollen. She was leaning over my dad’s shoulder. Dad’s eyes were wet too, but he was trying his best to bind his tears inside his eyes. I knew that it was all because of me. I couldn’t do anything. I stood there silently, staring at my mom and dad. ************************************ It was a morning in December, but still it was so hot. Where ever I looked my vision was blurred. It was strange. I felt as if I reached some alien planet, just near sun. The wall was transmitting heat. Scary. I took a glance. The only thing I could see was a closed door, locked from inside. But beside that, there was someone … Someone with long grey hair, the founder of E=Mc2- Albert Einstein!! My eyes were wide open when I saw Albert Einstein relaxing on a couch. I pinched my hand to make sure I was not dreaming. Yes-it was real. “How com--e yo--u are here? “,  I tripped over

Nuclear Weapon

Jake was a world renowned nuclear scientist. He had everything he wanted in his life, the only thing he missed was the public life. The busy schedule of his work kept him busy while working. The protons and neutrons almost filled his life. But after retirement things were different. He was lonely. It was dusk. Jake gazed out of the window. The golden color of the nature thrilled him. He was aged, and his eyes had lost its clarity. But he was determined; the new discoveries from his own laboratories remained unknown to the world. He fumbled on the table for grabbing his record. It was filled with new equations and circuit diagrams of his new discoveries. He turned pages with his weak fingers. A well satisfied smile covered his face. Jake pulled a pen from his pocket. He wrote down the title of his next experiment. ‘Smallest nuclear weapon’. He heaved a sigh. He dreamed about the moments when he would present his record to the world. ************************************

I am with You

It was curfew. Terrorists had attacked the city. People were forbidden to get out of their houses. Streets were deserted and foggy. The atmosphere was a blend of mist and tears. The smell of bombs and blood made a thick blanket over the city. But I was feeling so cared. Rohith...; having him with me was the only thing which kept me alive. Within short span of days Rohith became so close to me. He tried to keep me happy but in vain. I couldn’t keep my eyes dry. “Shruthy, Don’t cry again”, Rohith was sitting on the floor holding my chair. My tears always made him go crazy. “My parents...” I burst into tears and I couldn’t complete that sentence. I have lost them in the riot. “I am with you, Shruthy” He voice was promising but I could see the tears in his eyes. Though stranger, he always behaved as if he has some courtesy towards me.  The memories of the riot flashed before my eyes. The bomb blast had almost turned my house into ashes. I was the only one who escaped. I


“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great pleasure for me to witness the ‘International Association of Dance Awards (IADA)’  ” The announcement echoed in the auditorium followed with great applause. The dancers from all over the world gathered there, with happiness in their eyes. It was the most awaited moment which kept them chilled for months. ************************************** Shyam Prakash kept his eyes closed. The thud-thuds of the train didn’t disturb him at all. The memories of his aged mother and elder sister popped into his mind frequently. His eyes were wet but he brilliantly controlled his tears. He wanted to help his family. He didn’t want to leave them behind at home. But there was nothing he could do without money. ************************************** “This time the award goes to one of the perfect dancer, who actually deserves it. I am proud to say that”, the audience were in full swing as the announcement continued. The whole auditorium was covered

Brown eyes

She was standing outside, alone. She stared through the glassed window. Joan was sitting inside the coffee shop with a lady beside him. The smile on Joan’s face made her heart burn like a whittled dry wood. Her eyes filled with tears making her vision blurred. She was feeling rejected, avoided, and dumped. “Your eyes are beautiful, they are unique”, Joan’s words echoed in her mind. She dabbed her eyes and left the place. *********************************** Through the rear view Joan could see the car following him. He accelerated.  He tried to identify the person in the other car, but in vain. The faces of his enemies flashed in his mind. The car approached him with a higher speed, overtook him, and halted just in front of him. Before he could apply breaks, the other car left the scene leaving him safe. Sigh..!! ************************************* She was weeping. “Love always end up in disaster”, she kept murmuring. “Boys are cheaters”, she couldn’t contr